Mike Brown at the Pontiac Supercross (1994)

A couple of months ago I posted a photo showing the “into the stands” section of the Pontiac Supercross, which generated a lot of discussion on how cool people thought that section was and how much it added to the racing. While scanning old images today I came across a Kinney Jones photo that shows the track section during the 1994 race from a different angle and it looks equally as cool from this direction and check out the traffic jam going into the elevated turn! That’s Mike Brown (No. 92), who’s just exited the elevated section, leading Ezra Lusk (No. 17) and Jimmy Button (No. 34). (Kinney Jones photo) 
#pontiacsx #sxlive #mikebrown #ezralusk #jimmybutton #intothestands #pontiacsilverdome #silverdome

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